Art Memoralisation of the Military conflict in Donbass in the monuments
Memória do conflito militar em Donbass em seus monumentos
In the article the author reconstructs and analyzes the processes of memorialization of the military
conflict in Donbass, namely on the territory of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republics and
Lugansk People’s Republics. The article is based on the material of the author’s own observations of
commemorative practices in Donbass and analysis of open sources (media, social networks, blogs, etc.).
The author systemizes memory places locations according to temporal characteristics and spatial
localization. Due to political, economic and social isolation of Donbass, the commemorative function
is exclusively assigned to the local community, and the community fixes the fact of the event creating
memorial visual objects. According to the overview of the visual objects-symbols that arose on the
territory of Donbass in the period 2014-2020 those are memorial plaques, commemorative signs,
monuments and memorial complexes. Memorials do not depend on the status of the deceased, age group
or the number of dead. The determining factor is the fact of violent or tragic death. Spontaneous
memorialization is temporally short and practically unrepresented due to the danger of pilgrimage to
the place of tragedy.
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Figure 1. A spontaneous monument to the fallen soldiers of the “Hooligan” battalion,
October 2014, the area of the village of Smelоe LPR. (Photo by unknown, resource:
Figure 2. Place of death of the head of the DPR A. Zakharchenko, August 31, 2018,
Donetsk DPR (Photo by Nikita Makarenkov, resource:
Figure 3. Memorial stone at the death place of the Head of the DPR,
Alexander Zakharchenko, in the city center, September 08, 2018, Donetsk DPR (Photo
by Donetsk News Agency, resource:
Figure 4. The memorial plaque to R. Nyrkov at the school building in the
village Larino DNR, March 16, 2018 (Photo by: Press service of the OD “Donetsk
Republic”, resource:
Figure 5. The memorial plaque “To the Children of Donbass”, November 2016, Kirov
DPR (Photo by: Donetsk News Agency, resource:
Figure 6. The memorial plaque “To the Workers of the DPR housing and communal
services died at a work post from shelling of the Ukrainian Air Force in 2014-2015”,
March 15, 2017, Donetsk DPR (Author photo: Council of Ministers of the DPR,
Figure 7. The memorial plaque “To the Bulaevs”, November 14, 2019, Gorlovka DPR
(Photo by Gorlovka City Administration, resource:
Figure 8. The foundation stone “To the Innocent Victims of the Undeclared War”, July
29, 2016, Gorlovka DNR (Photo by Public movement “Free Donbass”, resource:
Figure 9. The monument “To the Innocent Victims of the Undeclared War”, July 29,
2016, Gorlovka DNR (Photo by Public movement “Free Donbass”, resource:
Figure 10. Monument “To brothers and sisters who gave their lives for the liberation
of Debaltseve from Ukrainian punitive expedition”, November 4,
2015, Debaltseve DPR (Photo by Donetsk News Agency, resource:
Figure 11. Monument to “To the Perished Citizens of the DPR”, August 28, 2015,
Donetsk DPR (Photo by Ministry of Culture of the DPR,
Figure 12. Monument “They Defended the Homeland”, May 12, 2016, Lugansk LPR
(M. Sulimenko / Lugansk Information Center, resource:
Figure 13. Monument “To the Journalists of the TV channel “Russia”, June 22,
2019, Lugansk LPR (Author photo: Federal News Agency, resource:
Figure 14. Monument “To the Heroes-Miners Who Gave Their Lives for Freedom and
Independence of the Lugansk People's Republic”, Anthracite LPR (Photo by
newspaper “XXI century”, resource:
Figure 15. Monument of the Head of the DPR Zakharchenko A.V., August 31, 2019,
Donetsk DPR (Photo by Donetsk News Agency, resource:
Figure 16. Monument of the head of the DPR Zakharchenko A.V., August 31, 2019,
Donetsk DPR (Photo by Donetsk News Agency, resource:
Figure 17. Monuments to the military on the “Alley of Glory”, 2017, Donetsk DNR
(Photo by Donetsk News, resource:
Figure 18. Monument of A.S. Pavlov “Motorola”, 2017, Donetsk DPR (Photo by
Komsomolskaya Pravda, resource:
Figure 19. Monument of M.S. Tolstoy “Givi”, 2017, Donetsk DNR (Photo by
Komsomolskaya Pravda, resource:
Figure 20. The memorial complex “In memory of the dead soldiers and fighters of the
People’s Police of the LPR”, September 15, 2016, Krasnodon LPR (Photo
by LuganskInformCenter, resource:
Figure 21. Ceremonies on Saur-Mogile on the occasion of Victory Day, May 9,
2008, Snezhnoye DPR (Photo by Lazarenko Mikola / POOL / UNIAN, resource:
Figure 22. Ceremonies on Saur-Mogile on the occasion of Victory Day, May 9,
2016, Snezhnoye DPR (Photo by Donetsk News Agency, resource:
Figure 23. The memorial complex "Alley of Angels", a forged arch and a granite slab
with the names of perished children, September 1, 2015, Donetsk DNR (Photo by
Andrey Butko,
Figure 24. Memorial complex “Alley of Angels”, a monument “To the Children
of Donbass”, June 1, 2017, Donetsk DNR (Photo by Donetsk News Agency, resource:
Figure 25. Memorial sign “They stood to die in the name of life. To the heroic
defenders of Gorlovka”, Gorlovka DPR (Photo by suslovsuslovsv, resource:
Figure 26. Memorial sign “Eternal memory to the fallen defenders of the airport”,
March 21, 2015, Donetsk DNR (Photo by Valentin Sprinchak / TASS, resource:
Figure 27. Monument to fallen civilians in Gorlovka “Sorrow and Sadness”, May 7,
2016, Gorlovka DPR (Photo by Gorlovka.Totay, resource:
Figure 28. The memorial sign “To the Perished Inhabitants of Chernukhino During the
Military Operations of 2014-2015” (Debaltsevo-Chernukhinsk offensive operation),
February 18, 2019, Chernukhino LPR (Author: Marina Sulimenko / LIC, resource:
Figure 29. Monument “To the Perished Countrymen”, August 30,
2015, Artemovsk LPR (Photo by unknown, resource:Артёмовск_(Луганская_область)#/media/Файл:Памя
Figure 30. Monument “To the Perished Citizens of the DPR” is a part of the memorial
complex “To Your Liberators, Donbass”, August 28, 2015, Donetsk DPR (Photo by
the Ministry of Culture of the DPR, resource: