Art Fostering Multiple Intelligences through CLIL: A case study of private EFL lessons in Greece
Fomentando Inteligências Múltiplas através do CLIL: um estudo de caso de aulas particulares de EFL na Grécia
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advancement of critical thinking. The Multiple Intelligences (MIs) (Gardner, 1983,1993) theory can lay
the foundations for creative tasks providing stimuli for young learners (YLs) to develop various types
of intelligence and learning strategies. The aim of this study is to examine the combination of the two
teaching methods. After conducting needs analysis, CLIL lessons were designed and delivered to a class
and a post-questionnaire investigated their impact on the development of the different frames of mind
of YLs. The results put forward that students’ skills, Multiple Intelligences, confidence and learning
autonomy are enhanced.
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